
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gauw city Fryslan Netherlands 53.06 5.71 3 23038
Gauwa city Central River Gambia, The 13.60 -15.15 62 7115
Gauwa city Milne Bay Papua New Guinea -9.92 149.57 5029 1624
Gauwalg city Khorasan-e Jonubi Iran 32.43 59.03 6259 596
Gauwapar city Uttar Pradesh India 26.58 82.90 242 87836
Gauwara city Uttar Pradesh India 26.45 83.44 216 100952
Gauwe city Niedersachsen Germany 53.53 8.37 3 7208
Gauwe city Bihar India 25.18 85.81 144 109903
Gauwgekregen city North West South Africa -25.26 26.03 3645 1040
Gauwies city Lorraine France 49.43 6.29 830 7581
Gauwuyema city Eastern Sierra Leone 7.93 -10.66 977 6113

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