
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Fazugu city Yunnan China 26.40 104.57 7549 26575
Fazuklāni city Sindh Pakistan 26.45 67.68 65 7450
Fazul Bhambhro city Sindh Pakistan 24.90 69.45 32 29060
Fazulabad city Sindh Pakistan 27.95 68.47 180 28321
Fazulha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.79 82.75 278 154219
Fazulha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.46 82.56 275 122070
Fazullābād city Andhra Pradesh India 17.27 81.82 196 20625
Fazulwāla city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.77 74.30 7877 16679

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