
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Famba city Maniema Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.87 26.53 2080 2980
Fambach city Thuringen Germany 50.74 10.37 954 14831
Fambala city Gaza Mozambique -22.08 33.08 347 149
Famban city Malampa Vanuatu -16.22 168.18 1200 1511
Fambane city Mozambique -21.55 34.43 360 745
Fambanta city Oio Guinea-Bissau 12.60 -15.18 193 1937
Fambe city West Cameroon 5.16 10.60 4189 3002
Fambe city West Cameroon 5.14 10.58 4189 16511
Fambe city Central African Republic 5.79 15.07 3349 447
Fambele city Central African Republic 5.79 15.07 3349 447
Famberla city Hauts-Bassins Burkina Faso 11.83 -4.93 1253 3525
Fambeta city Tillaberi Niger 14.33 0.90 918 3725
Fambia city Toliara Madagascar -24.20 45.74 2509 2344
Fambina city Kayes Mali 12.79 -11.24 830 8309
Fambine city Fatick Senegal 14.00 -16.60 32 7794
Fambita city Tillaberi Niger 14.33 0.90 918 3725
Fambo city Nigeria 10.58 5.13 1007 5364
Fambomo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.85 17.23 1122 1787
Fambona city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.85 17.23 1122 1787
Fambong city Sikkim India 27.14 88.15 5029 20026
Fambonga city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.32 17.36 1669 2533
Fambongo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.32 17.36 1669 2533
Fambono city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.85 17.23 1122 1787
Fambougou city Koulikoro Mali 13.66 -7.96 1669 1788
Fambougou city Segou Mali 13.20 -6.71 1000 5593
Fambougou city Segou Mali 13.30 -6.04 935 7535
Fambougouroulabougou city Koulikoro Mali 13.51 -8.26 1135 1788
Fambridge city Essex United Kingdom 51.63 0.68 49 38834
Fambro (historical) city Georgia United States 34.49 -84.79 830
Fambuo city Nord-Ouest Cameroon 5.89 10.48 4189 12776

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