
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Falwal city Lakes South Sudan 6.79 30.71 1669 2086
Falwal city Unity South Sudan 7.57 30.23 1669 1937
Falwal city Jonglei South Sudan 7.21 31.36 1669 51369
Falwal city Lakes South Sudan 7.01 29.88 1669 1788
Falwal city Western Equatoria South Sudan 6.20 30.17 1669 2026
Falwe city Kosrae Federated States of Micronesia 5.28 162.92 147 2593
Falwel city Dosso Niger 13.52 3.60 830 3725
Falwel city Dosso Niger 12.90 3.42 830 4917

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