
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Enia Skales city Ammochostos Cyprus 35.21 33.76 82 745
Eniacugu city Equatorial Guinea 1.83 10.12 2070 1182
Eniagbe Olateju city Nigeria 7.17 3.22 262 13118
Eniagbodhi city Delta Nigeria 5.55 6.18 177 47932
Eniakpu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.42 27.22 2011 4172
Eniambo city Comoe Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 5.59 -3.41 249 4580
Eniangamba city Plateaux Congo -1.56 15.89 1669 298
Eniangma city Xizang China 31.59 94.64 13428 596
Eniangzhai city Hunan China 27.57 110.62 3349 25111
Enianti city Ghana 6.97 -1.73 902 11501
Eniaozong city Sichuan China 29.70 101.45 12096 149
Eniaye city Ghana 5.08 -1.33 0 53178

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