
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Djuma city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.40 18.83 1669 1820
Djuma city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.17 18.35 925 7152
Djuma city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.12 110.66 324 79867
Djuma Moke city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.27 20.54 1998 0
Djuma-Kwilu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.17 18.35 925 7152
Djumabatu city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2.95 98.29 3349 4868
Djumadolok city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2.89 99.16 895 44063
Djumadolok city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 3.16 98.76 1801 2536
Djumahbulu city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2.57 99.22 3349 2370
Djumaja city Blagoevgrad Bulgaria 42.02 23.10 1840 59004
Djumakile city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2.82 98.34 2828 24188
Djumali city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.27 30.66 5869 18625
Djumantono city Indonesia -7.68 111.02 1669 92837
Djumapolo city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.70 111.01 1181 73644
Djumappes city Wallonie Belgium 50.45 3.89 98 78905
Djumaradja city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 3.19 98.47 5029 51266
Djumasihala city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 3.17 98.75 1669 2884
Djumatombak city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2.97 99.46 223 18824
Djumauruk city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 3.29 98.20 977 1678
Djumba city Benguela Angola -12.12 14.63 4189 917
Djumba city Benguela Angola -12.67 14.50 4301 894
Djumbele city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.33 18.65 1669 3576
Djumbeng city Indonesia -7.55 110.05 1669 60779
Djumbi city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.37 18.91 1669 1937
Djumbleng city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.24 110.57 830 62078
Djumbleng 1 city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.40 110.50 2509 126600
Djumbleng 2 city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.49 110.55 1669 151769
Djumbu city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.84 20.84 1669 149
Djumbu city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.07 20.52 1669 149
Djumbuampongo city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.72 20.80 1669 149
Djumbwampongo city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -1.72 20.80 1669 149
Djumejevo city Bashkortostan Russia 55.26 54.35 830 1297
Djumeneneng city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.48 112.51 42 207380
Djumet city Wallonie Belgium 50.44 4.44 830 145712
Djumi city Kasai Oriental Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.49 23.37 1669 32113
Djumo city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.23 110.11 2509 118250
Djumo-Moke city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.27 20.54 1998 0
Djumopolo city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.70 111.01 1181 73644
Djumpai city Indonesia -8.57 115.43 3 73354
Djumpandang city Sulawesi Selatan Indonesia -5.15 119.43 52 976605
Djumpiring city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.04 112.69 3 40329
Djumpolo city Jawa Tengah Indonesia -7.70 111.01 1181 73644
Djumput city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.37 112.78 3 449598
Djumput city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.49 112.52 62 211157
Djumput-kulon city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.41 112.69 6 505389
Djumputredjo city Jawa Timur Indonesia -7.41 112.69 6 517138
Djumrah city Riau Indonesia 1.79 101.04 6 7498
Djumu city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.28 20.58 1879 0
Djumu-Djomoe Airport airport 4.01 -55.48 290 0

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