
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dewla city Uttar Pradesh India 28.52 77.51 830 116468
Dewlak city Ghazni Afghanistan 33.64 68.07 9228 3523
Dewlan city Kayin State Burma 16.73 98.01 68 9565
Dewlan city Uttar Pradesh India 25.70 80.74 308 47786
Dewli Salehriyan city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.50 74.89 938 38313
Dewlia city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.58 88.81 42 126391
Dewlish city Dorset United Kingdom 50.78 -2.32 295 5459
Dewly city Bangladesh 24.91 90.83 13 90557

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