
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Degba city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 4.65 18.95 1669 1592
Degbassa city Amara Ethiopia 11.88 36.63 4393 4768
Degbawa city Ghana 9.13 0.08 830 3810
Degbaywa city Borno Nigeria 11.03 13.79 1722 10346
Degbe city Niger Nigeria 9.10 5.81 380 6928
Degbe Zuama city Central African Republic 5.04 16.14 2509 1043
Degbeh Number 1 city Sinoe Liberia 5.66 -8.90 830 1043
Degbeh Number 2 city Sinoe Liberia 5.62 -8.91 830 1043
Degbeh Number One city Sinoe Liberia 5.66 -8.90 830 1043
Degbeh Number Two city Sinoe Liberia 5.62 -8.91 830 1043
Degbessere city Sassandra-Marahoue Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6.68 -5.88 830 23922
Degbon city Jubbada Hoose Somalia -0.46 42.02 16 13790
Degboon city Jubbada Hoose Somalia -0.46 42.02 16 13790
Degbrode city Delta Nigeria 5.74 5.68 78 43559
Degbu city Sichuan China 29.07 100.84 12109 954
Degbuna city Ghana 10.11 -0.09 830 2235
Degbézéré city Sassandra-Marahoue Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6.99 -5.66 830 8082
Degbézéré city Sassandra-Marahoue Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6.68 -5.88 830 23922

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