
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Cley city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.84 4.12 183 51157
Cley city Norfolk United Kingdom 52.97 1.05 3 3115
Cley next the Sea city Norfolk United Kingdom 52.97 1.05 3 3115
Cleye city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.78 3.63 262 31604
Cleye city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.82 3.77 124 19784
Cleye city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.96 4.21 68 40264
Cleyrac city Aquitaine France 44.72 -0.04 278 2851
Cleysingen city Thuringen Germany 51.57 10.70 830 8106
Cleyzieu city Rhone-Alpes France 45.91 5.43 2509 5713

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