
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bodka city Maharashtra India 18.53 76.39 2030 42267
Bodka city Awdal Somalia 9.92 43.48 4189 2037
Bodkan city Agri Turkey 39.54 42.97 6709 2980
Bodkenhatti city Karnataka India 15.98 74.45 2559 43570
Bodkergaard city Sjaelland Denmark 54.67 11.78 32 2845
Bodkergard city Sjaelland Denmark 54.67 11.78 32 2845
Bodkergard city Nordjylland Denmark 57.00 10.20 3 2090
Bodkergarde city Nordjylland Denmark 57.00 10.20 3 2090
Bodkh Bar city Sumale Ethiopia 6.03 43.05 948 1285
Bodkha city Maharashtra India 20.75 78.23 889 23663
Bodkha city Maharashtra India 19.70 76.79 1669 21107
Bodkha city Maharashtra India 20.47 79.03 830 8959
Bodkha city Maharashtra India 20.16 75.26 2509 20965
Bodkhi city Maharashtra India 21.06 79.08 987 230398
Bodkhā city Maharashtra India 20.61 79.02 830 6854
Bodkhā city Maharashtra India 20.59 79.02 830 6854
Bodki city Maharashtra India 19.88 77.14 1669 21308
Bodki city Chhattisgarh India 20.90 82.04 964 30049
Bodkikhadi Pāda city Maharashtra India 21.09 74.14 1712 21904
Bodkin city United States Virgin Islands United States 17.75 -64.84 830
Bodkin Manor city Maryland United States 39.13 -76.45 3
Bodkin Plains city Maryland United States 39.11 -76.48 45
Bodko city Georgia 41.90 45.11 3382 2199
Bodkut Machpur city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.40 74.25 5344 31311
Bodkīpet city Maharashtra India 21.05 79.39 830 22657

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