
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Boaba city Koulikoro Mali 13.19 -8.38 1049 2086
Boabaria city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.61 88.28 68 192879
Boabele city Equatorial Guinea 1.48 9.56 1942 891
Boaben city Ghana 7.71 -1.69 1017 6854
Boabindo city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.35 19.23 1669 7152
Boabinso city Ghana 5.96 -1.74 830 28171
Boabinso city Ghana 5.80 -2.48 396 12653
Boabli city Grand Bassa Liberia 5.68 -9.72 337 1892
Boaboabu city Eastern Sierra Leone 7.82 -11.20 406 32701
Boaboadyoari city Est Burkina Faso 12.25 0.77 882 1192
Boaboba city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.73 121.03 1899 16986
Boabu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.29 -11.24 853 3192
Boabu city Southern Sierra Leone 8.19 -11.75 830 2665
Boabu city Southern Sierra Leone 8.22 -11.52 1000 4265
Boabu city Southern Sierra Leone 8.32 -11.81 331 2475
Boabu city Eastern Sierra Leone 8.17 -10.93 830 11145

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