
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Berig city Lorraine France 48.97 6.70 830 3600
Berighāl city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.49 75.60 2030 10576
Berigil city Banten Indonesia -5.91 106.03 830 74774
Berigny city Basse-Normandie France 49.14 -0.94 367 2196
Beriguda city Odisha India 19.86 83.50 1669 12105
Beriguda city Odisha India 18.59 82.24 895 17740
Berigui city Parana Brazil -25.53 -49.38 3349 162373
Berigui city Mandoul Chad 8.42 17.31 1669 2235

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