
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Beema city Masvingo Zimbabwe -19.48 30.83 5029 3576
Beeman city Idaho United States 46.41 -116.53 3366
Beeman city Pennsylvania United States 41.96 -77.12 997
Beemba city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -0.88 20.12 1669 815
Beemd city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.73 5.55 49 57793
Beemdekens city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.13 5.00 59 31086
Beemdkant city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.22 4.52 13 82256
Beemdkant city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.53 5.60 49 39410
Beemdtkant city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.22 4.52 13 82256
Beemer city Nebraska United States 41.93 -96.81 1669
Beemerville city New Jersey United States 41.21 -74.69 830
Beemkant city Vlaanderen Belgium 51.22 4.52 13 82256
Beemont city Missouri United States 38.48 -91.36 830
Beemoor city Niedersachsen Germany 53.59 7.41 22 3452
Beempo city Plateaux Congo -1.69 15.69 1669 298
Beemster city Mpumalanga South Africa -25.52 30.38 5869 209
Beemte city Gelderland Netherlands 52.26 5.99 16 68434
Beemunnel city New South Wales Australia -31.67 147.85 830 0

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