
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bādramgul city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.66 74.76 8389 40296
Bādras city Wardak Afghanistan 34.53 68.08 10488 4321
Bādrawak city Bamyan Afghanistan 34.23 66.98 9228 3725
Bādre city Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan 35.08 72.52 6072 18639
Bādrehanda city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.85 88.56 39 63178
Bādri city Rajasthan India 26.77 77.54 830 26133
Bādri city Balochistan Pakistan 27.34 66.32 4189 0
Bādrowak city Badghis Afghanistan 35.19 64.19 6141 745
Bādrowak city Badghis Afghanistan 34.92 63.53 4340 2086
Bādrowak city Bamyan Afghanistan 34.23 66.98 9228 3725
Bādrowak city Herat Afghanistan 34.28 63.34 8756 1988
Bādrābād city Bihar India 25.23 85.27 160 118774
Bādrāh city Sindh Pakistan 27.33 68.02 101 56281
Bādrūzan city Lorestan Iran 34.10 47.62 5869 3129

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