
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Aroh city Thua Thien-Hue Vietnam 16.13 107.65 830 4470
Arohan city Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2.96 99.32 830 21716
Arohane city Soloman Islands -10.48 161.96 3 745
Arohane city Tanger-Tetouan Morocco 35.08 -5.68 413 11175
Aroheib city Omaheke Namibia -22.13 19.27 5029 149
Arohemi city East Sepik Papua New Guinea -3.40 143.12 830 863
Arohi city Himachal Pradesh India 31.84 76.86 3717 23716
Arohi city Balochistan Pakistan 27.22 66.26 5029 0
Arohn city Federated States of Micronesia United States 6.86 158.28 3
Arohna city Amara Ethiopia 12.63 37.13 6804 7125
Arohunpe city Nigeria 8.08 4.08 1000 6912
Arohwa city Delta Nigeria 5.25 6.21 278 30066

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