
Alphabetical listing of Places in Bern

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Saanen city Bern Switzerland 46.49 7.26 3362 6628
Saanenmoeser city Bern Switzerland 46.52 7.30 4330 7154
Saanenmoser city Bern Switzerland 46.52 7.30 4330 7154
Sage city Bern Switzerland 46.61 7.56 5029 1811
Saicourt city Bern Switzerland 47.24 7.21 2509 8390
Saint-Imier city Bern Switzerland 47.15 7.00 2709 8034
Sangernboden city Bern Switzerland 46.71 7.35 3497 2618
Sankt Immer city Bern Switzerland 47.15 7.00 2709 8034
Sankt Stephan city Bern Switzerland 46.51 7.39 3349 2414
Sankt-Stefano BE city Bern Switzerland 46.51 7.39 3349 2414
Sariswil city Bern Switzerland 46.99 7.33 1984 21342
Saus Oberberg city Bern Switzerland 46.58 7.85 8402 1746
Saxeten city Bern Switzerland 46.64 7.83 5971 9158
Schaftelen city Bern Switzerland 46.72 8.33 7132 365
Schangnau city Bern Switzerland 46.83 7.86 3349 2655
Scharmadläger city Bern Switzerland 46.77 8.35 8389 1379
Schelten city Bern Switzerland 47.33 7.55 2749 5152
Scherliau city Bern Switzerland 46.85 7.42 2588 16002
Scherzligen city Bern Switzerland 46.75 7.63 1879 72938
Schonried city Bern Switzerland 46.50 7.29 5029 7197
Schrickmatten city Bern Switzerland 46.48 7.60 8389 2406
Schrättern city Bern Switzerland 46.65 8.21 6709 575
Schrättern Alpe city Bern Switzerland 46.65 8.21 6709 575
Schulh city Bern Switzerland 46.47 7.33 6709 6188
Schwanden city Bern Switzerland 46.74 7.72 3474 10995
Schwarzeburg city Bern Switzerland 46.82 7.34 2713 10383
Schwarzenburg city Bern Switzerland 46.82 7.34 2713 10383
Schwarzenburg BE city Bern Switzerland 46.82 7.34 2713 10383
Schwarzenegg city Bern Switzerland 46.80 7.72 3349 7577
Schwarzenthal city Bern Switzerland 46.76 8.31 6965 1324
Schwefelbergbad city Bern Switzerland 46.72 7.42 5869 2567
Schwendi city Bern Switzerland 46.72 7.88 3349 16030
Schwendi city Bern Switzerland 46.75 7.69 4189 27438
Schwendibad city Bern Switzerland 46.90 8.12 5029 3368
Schwendikaltbad city Bern Switzerland 46.90 8.12 5029 3368
Schönbühl city Bern Switzerland 47.02 7.51 1929 46111
Schüpbach city Bern Switzerland 46.93 7.74 2509 10925
Schüpfen city Bern Switzerland 47.04 7.38 1922 15036
Seeberg city Bern Switzerland 47.16 7.67 1742 15983
Seedorf city Bern Switzerland 47.03 7.31 1952 23291
Seedorf (BE) city Bern Switzerland 47.03 7.31 1952 23291
Seedorf BE city Bern Switzerland 47.03 7.31 1952 23291
Seedorf i Bern city Bern Switzerland 47.03 7.31 1952 23291
Seftigen city Bern Switzerland 46.79 7.54 1981 20793
Sengg city Bern Switzerland 46.70 7.95 2654 3096
Seuberg city Bern Switzerland 47.06 7.34 1669 25679
Signau city Bern Switzerland 46.92 7.72 2509 9771
Sigriswil city Bern Switzerland 46.72 7.71 2509 15639
Siselen city Bern Switzerland 47.03 7.19 1669 12797
Sonceboz city Bern Switzerland 47.20 7.18 3349 9995
Sonvilier city Bern Switzerland 47.14 6.96 2887 8031
Sornetan city Bern Switzerland 47.27 7.22 2624 6730
Speicher city Bern Switzerland 46.76 7.89 5118 3233
Spiez city Bern Switzerland 46.68 7.69 1840 19028
Spiggengrund city Bern Switzerland 46.57 7.78 6961 1869
Spitzenhaus city Bern Switzerland 46.97 7.88 3349 4439
Stalden city Bern Switzerland 46.87 7.62 2509 23113
Statt zu Huttwyle (1313) city Bern Switzerland 47.12 7.86 2509 11881
Stechelberg city Bern Switzerland 46.54 7.90 4356 1476
Steffisburg city Bern Switzerland 46.78 7.63 2509 67093
Stein city Bern Switzerland 46.73 8.42 6709 510
Steinalp city Bern Switzerland 46.73 8.42 6709 510
Steinenberg city Bern Switzerland 46.55 7.77 5954 1670
Steinhaus city Bern Switzerland 46.83 7.34 2660 12751
Stettlen city Bern Switzerland 46.96 7.52 1840 76974
Stossen city Bern Switzerland 46.78 7.40 2723 4686
Stuckishaus city Bern Switzerland 46.97 7.44 1715 146210
Suberg city Bern Switzerland 47.06 7.34 1669 25679
Sumiswald city Bern Switzerland 47.03 7.75 2621 11147
Sumwiler city Bern Switzerland 47.14 6.96 2887 8031
Sundlauenen city Bern Switzerland 46.69 7.79 1830 8595
Säge city Bern Switzerland 46.78 7.78 4189 3180
Süderen city Bern Switzerland 46.82 7.75 3349 4182
Südern city Bern Switzerland 46.82 7.75 3349 4182

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