
Alphabetical listing of Places in Dolj

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Padea city Dolj Romania 44.02 23.87 236 4141
Palilula city Dolj Romania 44.27 23.72 830 26794
Panaghia city Dolj Romania 44.18 23.70 830 4659
Parligeni city Dolj Romania 44.48 23.62 367 6045
Parsani city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.98 830 3018
Parsani Noui city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.98 830 3018
Parsanii Nou city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.98 830 3018
Pereni city Dolj Romania 44.38 23.57 324 4021
Peretu city Dolj Romania 44.22 23.80 213 63374
Peretul city Dolj Romania 44.22 23.80 213 63374
Perieni city Dolj Romania 44.38 23.57 324 4021
Perisor city Dolj Romania 44.13 23.50 334 3072
Perisoru Nou city Dolj Romania 44.13 23.48 321 3393
Perisorul city Dolj Romania 44.13 23.50 334 3072
Perişoru city Dolj Romania 44.13 23.50 334 3072
Pescari city Dolj Romania 44.17 23.87 242 12287
Petroaia city Dolj Romania 44.37 23.50 830 3024
Picaturile city Dolj Romania 44.48 23.87 830 2968
Pielesti city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.95 830 3532
Pielestii city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.95 830 3532
Pietroaia city Dolj Romania 44.37 23.50 830 3024
Pioreşti city Dolj Romania 44.47 23.75 337 5314
Piria city Dolj Romania 44.50 23.32 830 4335
Pirligeni city Dolj Romania 44.48 23.62 367 6045
Pirsani city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.98 830 3018
Pirsanii Nou city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.98 830 3018
Pirsanii Vechi city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.97 830 3111
Piscani city Dolj Romania 44.55 23.60 830 6394
Piscu city Dolj Romania 43.88 23.93 242 6649
Piscu Lung city Dolj Romania 44.62 23.88 905 3177
Piscu Nou city Dolj Romania 43.92 23.17 75 7930
Piscu Sadovei city Dolj Romania 43.88 23.93 242 6649
Piscu Vechi city Dolj Romania 43.90 23.17 78 7934
Piscu de Cîmpie city Dolj Romania 43.90 23.17 78 7934
Piscu-Vechiu city Dolj Romania 43.90 23.17 78 7934
Piscul city Dolj Romania 43.88 23.93 242 6649
Piscul Lung city Dolj Romania 44.62 23.88 905 3177
Piscul-Nou city Dolj Romania 43.92 23.17 75 7930
Piscul-Vechiu city Dolj Romania 43.90 23.17 78 7934
Pisculeţ city Dolj Romania 43.85 23.15 75 8487
Pisculeţ city Dolj Romania 43.88 23.20 72 10018
Plaiu Vulcanesti city Dolj Romania 44.35 23.95 830 2605
Plenita city Dolj Romania 44.22 23.18 830 5485
Plesoiu city Dolj Romania 44.35 23.53 830 3435
Plesoiul city Dolj Romania 44.35 23.53 830 3435
Pleșoi city Dolj Romania 44.35 23.53 830 3435
Plop city Dolj Romania 44.60 23.73 830 4032
Plopsor city Dolj Romania 44.25 23.42 830 2690
Plopu Amărăşti city Dolj Romania 44.60 23.73 830 4032
Plopul city Dolj Romania 44.60 23.73 830 4032
Plopşoru city Dolj Romania 44.25 23.42 830 2690
Plopşorul city Dolj Romania 44.25 23.42 830 2690
Plosca city Dolj Romania 43.90 23.55 36 5293
Ploştina city Dolj Romania 44.53 23.70 830 5073
Podari city Dolj Romania 44.25 23.78 226 118297
Poenari city Dolj Romania 44.32 23.80 354 207934
Poenele city Dolj Romania 44.62 23.85 830 2621
Poenile city Dolj Romania 44.62 23.85 830 2621
Poiana Fintinii city Dolj Romania 44.50 23.37 830 5120
Poiana Fântânii city Dolj Romania 44.50 23.37 830 5120
Poiana Mare city Dolj Romania 43.92 23.07 91 10023
Poiana Pleniţei city Dolj Romania 44.22 23.18 830 5485
Pometeşti city Dolj Romania 44.52 23.73 413 4871
Popanzalesti city Dolj Romania 44.28 24.07 830 11196
Popeasa city Dolj Romania 44.50 23.73 830 5139
Popesti Cardina city Dolj Romania 44.43 23.80 830 4950
Popeşti city Dolj Romania 44.57 23.68 830 4736
Popinzalesti city Dolj Romania 44.28 24.07 830 11196
Popoveni city Dolj Romania 44.28 23.78 223 157829
Popoviceni city Dolj Romania 43.92 23.62 65 4987
Port of Bechet city Dolj Romania 43.75 23.95 49 9939
Portaresti city Dolj Romania 44.03 23.63 249 5636
Portu Bechet city Dolj Romania 43.75 23.95 49 9939
Portul Bechet city Dolj Romania 43.75 23.95 49 9939
Potmeltu city Dolj Romania 44.42 23.63 318 5478
Pradatoru city Dolj Romania 44.62 23.85 830 2621
Praporu city Dolj Romania 43.95 24.18 383 7426
Praporul city Dolj Romania 43.95 24.18 383 7426
Preajba city Dolj Romania 44.20 24.20 830 4859
Preajba city Dolj Romania 44.27 23.85 400 144080
Preajba de Jos city Dolj Romania 44.22 24.18 830 4897
Preajba de Padure city Dolj Romania 44.20 24.20 830 4859
Predesti city Dolj Romania 44.35 23.60 830 4133
Predestii Mici city Dolj Romania 44.35 23.58 830 3905
Prejoi city Dolj Romania 44.58 23.88 830 2497
Prejoiu city Dolj Romania 44.58 23.88 830 2497
Prejoiul city Dolj Romania 44.58 23.88 830 2497
Prunet city Dolj Romania 44.15 23.92 383 9061
Prădătorul city Dolj Romania 44.62 23.85 830 2621
Purcăreşti city Dolj Romania 44.50 23.48 830 8560
Putinei city Dolj Romania 44.68 23.75 846 3704
Putineiul city Dolj Romania 44.68 23.75 846 3704
Puturile city Dolj Romania 44.13 24.02 830 4057
Puţuri city Dolj Romania 44.13 24.02 830 4057
Părşanii Noi city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.98 830 3018
Părşanii Vechi city Dolj Romania 44.33 23.97 830 3111

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