Directory of Cities and Towns in Priboj, Serbia
Alphabetical listing of Places in Priboj
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Opština Priboj | city | Priboj | Serbia | 43.58 | 19.53 | 1669 | 22026 |
Priboj | city | Priboj | Serbia | 43.58 | 19.53 | 1669 | 22026 |
Прибој | city | Priboj | Serbia | 43.58 | 19.53 | 1669 | 22026 |
پریبوئی | city | Priboj | Serbia | 43.58 | 19.53 | 1669 | 22026 |
普里波耶 | city | Priboj | Serbia | 43.58 | 19.53 | 1669 | 22026 |
프리보이 | city | Priboj | Serbia | 43.58 | 19.53 | 1669 | 22026 |
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