
Alphabetical listing of Places in Netherlands

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Hoofddorp city Noord-Holland Netherlands 52.31 4.69 -1689 57369
Hoofdorp city Noord-Holland Netherlands 52.31 4.69 -1689 57369
Hoofdplaat city Zeeland Netherlands 51.37 3.66 3 4525
Hoog Geldrop city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.42 5.55 65 81234
Hoog Heukelom city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.58 5.16 32 83069
Hoog Heukelum city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.58 5.16 32 83069
Hoog Kana city Gelderland Netherlands 51.97 5.50 19 12180
Hoog Klappenberg city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.54 4.65 22 37145
Hoog Spul city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.48 5.13 59 10900
Hoog Zuthem city Overijssel Netherlands 52.47 6.14 6 37505
Hoog-Baarlo city Gelderland Netherlands 52.11 5.88 213 4779
Hoog-Buurlo city Gelderland Netherlands 52.18 5.85 252 4054
Hoog-Caestert city Limburg Netherlands 50.77 5.71 200 47817
Hoog-Duurswoude city Fryslan Netherlands 52.98 6.27 19 9184
Hoog-Keppel city Gelderland Netherlands 52.01 6.21 32 15254
Hoog-Soeren city Gelderland Netherlands 52.22 5.87 213 17388
Hoog-Zutem city Overijssel Netherlands 52.47 6.14 6 37505
Hoogblokland city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.87 4.98 3 48251
Hoogbraak city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.45 4.92 82 8165
Hoogbroek city Gelderland Netherlands 51.91 5.51 19 15979
Hoogcasteren city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.40 5.29 82 16867
Hoogcruts city Limburg Netherlands 50.77 5.84 830 13668
Hoogdonk city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.43 5.82 98 25017
Hooge Aard city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.55 4.87 32 28906
Hooge Akker city Zeeland Netherlands 51.43 4.05 3 6646
Hooge Banakkers city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.57 4.65 16 56875
Hooge Berkt city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.33 5.34 101 11920
Hooge Bijssel city Gelderland Netherlands 52.38 5.73 13 12291
Hooge Donk city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.57 4.62 19 49858
Hooge Enk city Gelderland Netherlands 52.43 5.84 13 22194
Hooge Haghorst city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.50 5.22 49 6445
Hooge Ham city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.64 4.93 13 68446
Hooge Heide city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.70 5.42 16 56290
Hooge Heksel city Overijssel Netherlands 52.40 6.56 39 22000
Hooge Lindhorst city Drenthe Netherlands 52.69 6.32 13 608
Hooge Linthorst city Drenthe Netherlands 52.69 6.32 13 608
Hooge Maden city Drenthe Netherlands 53.02 6.63 32 31673
Hooge Mieden city Fryslan Netherlands 52.89 5.68 3 7507
Hooge Mierde city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.39 5.13 88 10415
Hooge Schor city Zeeland Netherlands 51.67 4.05 3 1490
Hooge Vaart city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.68 5.02 6 48829
Hooge Veld city Drenthe Netherlands 53.09 6.50 19 11382
Hooge Wierden city Groningen Netherlands 53.28 6.53 3 36290
Hooge Wijst city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.72 5.54 39 50560
Hooge Zandschel city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.65 5.00 16 58691
Hooge Zuidwal city Fryslan Netherlands 53.33 6.25 3 2698
Hooge Zwaluwe city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.69 4.75 3 22430
Hooge-Hexel city Overijssel Netherlands 52.40 6.56 39 22000
Hooge-Rijndijk city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.14 4.52 -1689 146710
Hooge-Rijndijke city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.14 4.52 -1689 146710
Hoogebeintum city Fryslan Netherlands 53.34 5.85 3 4197
Hoogeberg city Noord-Holland Netherlands 53.04 4.82 6 2300
Hoogebiezen city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.59 5.52 36 43610
Hoogebrug city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.40 5.88 98 11113
Hoogedijk city Zeeland Netherlands 51.34 3.78 3 15599
Hoogedorp city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.61 4.27 3 11235
Hoogegraven city Overijssel Netherlands 52.54 6.48 19 5290
Hoogehaar city Drenthe Netherlands 52.68 6.72 32 18053
Hoogeheide city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.74 5.60 49 40757
Hoogeind city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.52 5.05 49 78795
Hoogeind city Gelderland Netherlands 51.95 5.97 32 95359
Hoogeind city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.91 5.09 3 28316
Hoogeind city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.66 5.90 42 29117
Hoogeind city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.57 5.13 32 111658
Hoogeind city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.46 5.28 65 9904
Hoogeind city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.45 5.14 65 9101
Hoogeind city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.43 5.37 72 87897
Hoogeind city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.43 4.90 82 7805
Hoogeind (Rijkevoort) city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.66 5.90 42 29117
Hoogeloon city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.40 5.27 82 17929
Hoogemeden city Groningen Netherlands 53.23 6.43 3 27240
Hoogemeeden city Groningen Netherlands 53.23 6.43 3 27240
Hoogen-Aarle city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.53 5.72 68 35029
Hoogend city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.46 5.28 65 9904
Hoogendijk city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.63 4.90 16 66912
Hoogengraven city Overijssel Netherlands 52.54 6.48 19 5290
Hoogenweg city Overijssel Netherlands 52.57 6.66 32 14890
Hoogerheide city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.43 4.33 65 27929
Hoogersmilde city Drenthe Netherlands 52.91 6.39 36 1580
Hoogeveen city Drenthe Netherlands 52.73 6.49 39 26965
Hoogeveen city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.08 4.58 -1689 46484
Hoogewaard city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.95 4.95 3 11384
Hoogeweg city Overijssel Netherlands 52.57 6.66 32 14890
Hoogeweg city Zeeland Netherlands 51.37 3.64 3 5502
Hoogeweg city Overijssel Netherlands 52.51 5.93 3 26369
Hoogewegen city Overijssel Netherlands 52.31 6.26 29 19566
Hoogezaand city Groningen Netherlands 53.16 6.77 3 24993
Hoogezand city Groningen Netherlands 53.16 6.77 3 24993
Hooghalen city Drenthe Netherlands 52.92 6.56 49 7759
Hooghalerveldkamp city Drenthe Netherlands 52.95 6.54 39 22868
Hooghout city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.62 5.20 26 43377
Hooghout city Drenthe Netherlands 53.14 6.45 13 45688
Hoogkarspel city Noord-Holland Netherlands 52.69 5.18 -1689 31181
Hoogkerk city Groningen Netherlands 53.22 6.51 3 68874
Hoogland city Utrecht Netherlands 52.18 5.36 6 119489
Hooglanderveen city Utrecht Netherlands 52.19 5.43 9 100003
Hoogmade city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.17 4.58 -1689 51968
Hoogmaden city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.17 4.58 -1689 51968
Hoogmeien city Gelderland Netherlands 51.94 5.50 16 14147
Hoograven city Utrecht Netherlands 52.06 5.12 3 176100
Hoogriebroek city Limburg Netherlands 51.50 6.01 82 39319
Hoogveld city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.66 5.66 65 42833
Hoogveld city Fryslan Netherlands 53.02 5.42 3 2649
Hoogvliet city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.87 4.37 -1689 172218
Hoogwatum city Groningen Netherlands 53.39 6.88 3 9832
Hoogwoud city Noord-Holland Netherlands 52.72 4.94 -1689 20660
Hoogzand city Fryslan Netherlands 53.18 6.07 9 22905
Hooiberg city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.42 4.78 52 18305
Hooibergen city Fryslan Netherlands 52.86 5.59 3 4776
Hooidonk city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.50 5.51 49 90740
Hooilanden city Drenthe Netherlands 53.06 6.42 29 8643
Hooilandseweg city Groningen Netherlands 53.42 6.78 3 3809
Hook of Holland city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.99 4.14 3 102130
Hool city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.49 5.55 52 60695
Hooltpae city Fryslan Netherlands 52.89 6.04 3 8438
Hooltwoolde city Fryslan Netherlands 52.91 6.01 3 11109
Hoonderriek city Limburg Netherlands 51.15 5.89 85 26429
Hoonhorst city Overijssel Netherlands 52.49 6.23 9 32674
Hoonte city Gelderland Netherlands 52.12 6.61 65 15083
Hoop city Netherlands 12.12 -68.28 3 3270
Hoophuizen city Gelderland Netherlands 52.38 5.71 9 15654
Hoorn city Groningen Netherlands 53.36 6.43 3 3514
Hoorn city Fryslan Netherlands 53.40 5.35 6 507
Hoorn city Groningen Netherlands 53.09 7.05 6 23588
Hoorn city Noord-Holland Netherlands 52.65 5.06 -1689 73718
Hoorn city Gelderland Netherlands 52.40 6.07 13 17213
Hoorn city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.14 4.63 -1689 52887
Hoorn city Noord-Holland Netherlands 53.03 4.76 3 2277
Hoorn city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.05 4.52 -1689 110052
Hoorn city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.00 4.33 -1689 183541
Hoorn NH city Noord-Holland Netherlands 52.65 5.06 -1689 73718
Hoornaar city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 51.88 4.95 3 35522
Hoornder Nieuwland city Noord-Holland Netherlands 53.01 4.76 3 6113
Hoornderveen city Groningen Netherlands 53.06 7.04 3 13385
Hoornerveen city Gelderland Netherlands 52.40 6.03 26 17426
Hoornsche Bulten city Drenthe Netherlands 52.97 6.68 49 6044
Hoornsedijk city Groningen Netherlands 53.17 6.59 6 55918
Hoornsterzwaag city Fryslan Netherlands 53.00 6.18 13 8685
Hoornsterzwaagcompagnie city Fryslan Netherlands 53.02 6.17 13 8653
Hoornsterzwaagster Compagnie city Fryslan Netherlands 53.02 6.17 13 8653
Hoorsik city Gelderland Netherlands 51.78 5.32 16 29145
Hoorzik city Gelderland Netherlands 51.78 5.32 16 29145

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