
Alphabetical listing of Places in Chungbuk

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
세거리 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.12 128.24 866 41612
세거리 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.09 128.15 915 24374
세거리 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.76 127.42 416 19134
세곡 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.94 127.55 291 17554
세막골 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.12 127.95 1669 4368
세산리 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.27 127.61 830 19079
세중리 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.39 127.84 830 7597
세집담 city Chungbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 37.00 127.58 400 16601

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