
Alphabetical listing of Places in Hwangnam

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
판골 city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 37.93 125.39 111 18293
판교동 city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.28 125.30 272 21507
판륙리 city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.54 125.49 830 26634
판리 city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 37.71 125.34 39 7545
판서 city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 37.94 125.54 830 18885
판오리 city Hwangnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.54 125.50 75 27012

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