
Alphabetical listing of Places in Lombardia

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Pra Campo city Lombardia Italy 46.25 10.15 5869 7070
Prada Campustazz city Lombardia Italy 46.30 9.40 2831 12785
Pradaccio city Lombardia Italy 46.42 10.53 7578 1223
Pradaccio city Lombardia Italy 46.47 10.43 5921 3831
Prado city Lombardia Italy 45.20 9.20 223 57876
Praemana city Lombardia Italy 46.05 9.42 2860 7958
Pralboino city Lombardia Italy 45.27 10.22 127 14233
Praspadino city Lombardia Italy 46.53 10.28 6145 1402
Prata city Lombardia Italy 46.30 9.40 2831 12785
Prata Camportaccio city Lombardia Italy 46.30 9.40 2831 12785
Prati Piastorba city Lombardia Italy 46.18 9.83 2818 25585
Prato Gudo city Lombardia Italy 46.15 9.57 830 17578
Prato Valentino city Lombardia Italy 46.18 10.05 3500 4837
Predore city Lombardia Italy 45.67 10.02 830 26824
Pregola city Lombardia Italy 44.75 9.27 2916 1964
Premadio city Lombardia Italy 46.48 10.35 4189 4239
Premana city Lombardia Italy 46.05 9.42 2860 7958
Prestone city Lombardia Italy 46.38 9.35 4511 2399
Presure city Lombardia Italy 46.55 10.25 6227 1380
Promana city Lombardia Italy 46.05 9.42 2860 7958
Prospiano city Lombardia Italy 45.63 8.90 830 154384
Provinca e Mantovës city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Province de Mantoue city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Province o Mantua city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Province of Mantua city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provincia Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provincia Mantuana city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provincia de Mantua city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provincia di Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provincia ëd Màntoa city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provincie Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provinco Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provinsen Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provinsi Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provinsia de Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Provinz Mantua city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Proviñs Mantova city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Província de Màntoa city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Prowincja Mantua city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Pruvincia de Mantua city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570
Pruvincia di Màntuva city Lombardia Italy 45.15 10.80 52 55570

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