
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mormahuri city Gujarat India 23.18 73.71 331 38763
Morman da Ban city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.90 74.28 6794 25488
Mormangri city Rajasthan India 26.25 74.57 1669 17404
Mormapalle city Andhra Pradesh India 13.94 77.87 2509 26551
Mormapalle city Andhra Pradesh India 13.84 77.75 2509 28893
Mormauri city Gujarat India 23.23 74.07 928 75879
Mormetta city Maharashtra India 19.33 80.73 918 3455
Mormo Dungiser city Himachal Pradesh India 30.62 77.36 3398 13358
Mormugao city Goa India 15.41 73.79 226 40549
Mormā city Bihar India 24.51 84.41 1013 37738

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