
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Jema city Uttar Pradesh India 25.19 82.06 252 35765
Jemakhera city Rajasthan India 25.53 73.98 2060 21903
Jematpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.99 78.67 830 57368
Jembehalli city Karnataka India 14.40 75.04 1955 23694
Jemherwa city Jharkhand India 24.36 84.68 830 34354
Jemlog city Himachal Pradesh India 31.14 77.03 4189 10620
Jemra city Chhattisgarh India 22.51 82.25 1938 22797
Jemu city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.85 75.27 5882 17518

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