
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Jāwad city Rajasthan India 24.88 73.86 1837 33470
Jāwag city Himachal Pradesh India 30.94 77.44 5869 9732
Jāwal city Madhya Pradesh India 25.86 78.19 830 24359
Jāwalgeri city Karnataka India 15.87 76.81 1669 24583
Jāwali city Uttar Pradesh India 27.73 77.65 830 41536
Jāwali city Madhya Pradesh India 22.69 77.89 977 25626
Jāwand city Jammu and Kashmir India 34.15 74.22 6709 39557
Jāwangi city Karnataka India 17.53 77.03 1669 42034
Jāwari city Rajasthan India 24.34 76.74 1066 9238
Jāwepāra city Chhattisgarh India 18.97 81.63 2509 14304
Jāwi city Madhya Pradesh India 24.52 74.97 1669 22739
Jāwra city Rajasthan India 25.21 77.02 1669 9983
Jāwāli city Rajasthan India 27.38 76.92 830 55553

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