
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Goth city Rajasthan India 28.13 75.74 1059 36237
Goth city Rajasthan India 26.32 76.50 1056 19943
Goth city Rajasthan India 26.68 76.51 954 22424
Goth city Uttarakhand India 30.40 78.23 5869 22143
Goth city Madhya Pradesh India 26.66 78.16 830 38599
Goth city Himachal Pradesh India 32.11 76.18 2043 31024
Goth city Bihar India 26.49 86.45 236 67094
Goth city Bihar India 26.32 86.44 193 114255
Goth city Bihar India 26.17 86.44 187 125818
Goth Bihāri city Rajasthan India 26.04 76.60 997 12378
Goth Rupauli city Bihar India 26.01 86.77 193 88903
Gotha city Uttar Pradesh India 27.42 77.88 830 64055
Gotha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.04 81.77 314 54254
Gotha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.17 79.05 830 68814
Gotha city Uttarakhand India 28.91 79.70 830 70144
Gotha city Uttar Pradesh India 28.74 79.60 830 39585
Gotha Bāri city Uttar Pradesh India 26.09 83.73 219 83220
Gotha Khandua city Uttar Pradesh India 28.32 79.09 830 61436
Gotha Rasūlpur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.66 83.74 229 137014
Gothada city Gujarat India 24.05 72.79 830 22642
Gothahula city Bihar India 25.53 84.69 164 295891
Gothai city Uttarakhand India 29.70 79.87 2883 17801
Gothaili city Bihar India 25.60 87.77 82 107746
Gothaing city Uttarakhand India 30.25 78.78 2509 39760
Gothal city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.57 75.40 1998 29677
Gothal city Himachal Pradesh India 32.58 76.10 2936 25986
Gothan city Haryana India 28.72 75.54 830 15049
Gothan Lungba city Himachal Pradesh India 31.67 78.45 8730 840
Gothangaon city Maharashtra India 21.03 78.70 1669 30116
Gothangaon city Maharashtra India 20.67 79.44 902 15197
Gothangaon city Maharashtra India 20.90 79.55 830 19444
Gothangaon city Maharashtra India 20.81 80.14 830 18178
Gothangaon city Maharashtra India 20.59 80.22 849 12099
Gothani city Jharkhand India 23.64 83.79 1669 10430
Gothani city Bihar India 25.27 84.23 255 119302
Gothani city Bihar India 25.81 86.24 127 142579
Gothania city Madhya Pradesh India 22.99 74.91 1669 24138
Gothania city Madhya Pradesh India 21.93 75.01 984 19645
Gothaon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.56 82.49 285 102265
Gothara city Madhya Pradesh India 24.10 81.90 1000 23427
Gothara city Rajasthan India 27.88 76.74 935 42739
Gothara city Haryana India 28.52 76.31 830 37311
Gothara city Rajasthan India 28.07 75.82 1115 79571
Gothara city Haryana India 28.48 75.78 843 26524
Gotharang Dogri city Himachal Pradesh India 31.63 78.29 10918 4482
Gothari city Rajasthan India 27.88 76.74 935 42739
Gothari Guru city Rajasthan India 27.41 76.77 830 45173
Gothari Prohitān city Rajasthan India 27.41 76.77 830 45173
Gotharo city Bihar India 26.23 84.44 203 185869
Gothauli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.57 83.16 229 104699
Gothauli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.64 82.98 275 130874
Gothauli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.79 84.15 183 139114
Gothauli city Bihar India 24.91 84.25 328 102711
Gothaura city Uttar Pradesh India 25.09 83.03 259 47828
Gothgura city Odisha India 21.04 82.77 872 16693
Gothi Ratti city Uttar Pradesh India 27.39 77.92 830 60251
Gothia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.26 81.54 387 57110
Gothia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.50 82.13 344 30836
Gothia city Uttar Pradesh India 26.37 82.41 298 86984
Gothia city Madhya Pradesh India 21.84 75.50 938 14081
Gothia Ahiran city Uttar Pradesh India 27.17 81.75 390 61290
Gothiana city Rajasthan India 26.30 74.99 1243 18508
Gothiar city Uttarakhand India 29.94 79.57 4412 14614
Gothib city Gujarat India 23.15 73.96 830 49933
Gothigūda city Odisha India 18.88 83.13 1256 11920
Gothimbara city Gujarat India 23.14 73.81 830 37891
Gothinda city Uttarakhand India 30.07 79.59 5134 14304
Gothini city Bihar India 26.16 84.04 219 83140
Gothiputti city Odisha India 19.07 83.28 1932 16618
Gothli city Himachal Pradesh India 32.48 76.16 5869 17593
Gothna city Maharashtra India 17.10 73.77 2936 20514
Gothna city Himachal Pradesh India 31.36 77.48 2828 13998
Gothna city Uttar Pradesh India 28.25 78.48 830 82018
Gothni city Uttar Pradesh India 28.14 77.74 830 62481
Gothphar city Bihar India 25.80 87.75 82 60377
Gothra city Rajasthan India 25.83 75.60 1076 17663
Gothra city Rajasthan India 26.35 76.21 1036 20558
Gothra city Rajasthan India 26.75 76.65 859 41303
Gothra city Rajasthan India 25.94 76.62 830 12422
Gothra city Uttar Pradesh India 28.90 77.69 830 98411
Gothra city Uttar Pradesh India 27.15 77.67 830 74787
Gothra city Madhya Pradesh India 25.62 77.03 1669 5960
Gothra city Madhya Pradesh India 23.94 76.29 1197 34831
Gothra city Bihar India 25.78 86.02 134 214437
Gothra Tappa Dahina city Haryana India 28.33 76.39 830 51132
Gothra Tappa Khori city Haryana India 28.19 76.45 846 52643
Gothri city Rajasthan India 28.23 75.56 1003 41129
Gothri city Himachal Pradesh India 32.56 76.01 5429 30864
Gothtola city Bihar India 25.88 87.06 137 89008
Gothu city Uttar Pradesh India 25.51 82.72 272 67279
Gothu city Uttar Pradesh India 25.52 82.71 272 75220
Gothu city Bihar India 24.65 85.01 370 70725
Gothu city Uttar Pradesh India 26.96 79.36 830 65122
Gothu Derhansa city Uttar Pradesh India 25.52 82.72 272 71039
Gothua city Uttar Pradesh India 27.38 78.30 830 55468
Gothva city Gujarat India 23.65 72.61 357 28714
Gothwa city Madhya Pradesh India 24.58 81.34 1053 78395
Gothwa city Uttar Pradesh India 25.80 82.40 242 82925
Gothwa city Uttar Pradesh India 25.96 83.91 187 96701
Gothwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.64 81.90 383 71331
Gothwa city Uttar Pradesh India 27.20 82.88 278 97334
Gothwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.02 82.18 318 82129
Gothwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.93 82.90 236 89146
Gothā city Uttarakhand India 28.80 79.88 830 18583
Gothān Kalān city Haryana India 28.76 75.52 830 14913
Gothān Khurd city Haryana India 28.72 75.54 830 15049
Gothāni city Uttar Pradesh India 24.53 82.97 830 25941
Gothāni city Uttarakhand India 29.33 79.38 3349 6786
Gothāni city Bihar India 24.80 84.55 282 114695
Gothāon city Uttar Pradesh India 25.93 82.90 275 105760

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