
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Gota city Madhya Pradesh India 24.70 75.55 1669 11844
Gota city Himachal Pradesh India 31.61 77.05 4189 18888
Gota city Himachal Pradesh India 30.94 77.13 5029 40755
Gota city Chhattisgarh India 21.45 81.40 902 13226
Gota city Uttar Pradesh India 25.54 82.61 285 103264
Gota city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.36 74.71 3562 20822
Gota city Uttar Pradesh India 26.77 82.65 252 104509
Gota city Himachal Pradesh India 32.85 76.24 8677 7450
Gota city Maharashtra India 20.06 80.32 1033 6643
Gota city Gujarat India 23.99 73.06 859 42861
Gota city Maharashtra India 19.60 79.36 830 12055
Gota Meta city Maharashtra India 20.06 80.34 1131 6183
Gotabari city Madhya Pradesh India 22.45 77.62 1138 11324
Gotadi city Maharashtra India 20.73 79.37 885 14304
Gotaganapura city Karnataka India 13.62 77.53 2509 51958
Gotaha city Uttar Pradesh India 25.94 83.64 203 89747
Gotaha city Uttar Pradesh India 26.35 83.24 223 78785
Gotahar city Uttar Pradesh India 24.76 83.11 977 25139
Gotahar city Bihar India 24.86 83.90 324 53974
Gotahia city Uttar Pradesh India 25.26 81.62 830 22581
Gotaia city Uttar Pradesh India 25.33 82.66 269 94505
Gotaiguda city Chhattisgarh India 18.86 80.38 400 2982
Gotakhandaki city Karnataka India 16.57 76.35 1778 20732
Gotakhandi city Madhya Pradesh India 21.81 77.43 1669 12323
Gotala city Maharashtra India 20.31 75.14 2509 38411
Gotaladoddi city Andhra Pradesh India 15.88 77.12 1171 30645
Gotaltola city Madhya Pradesh India 21.97 80.42 1896 17271
Gotam city Uttar Pradesh India 26.89 81.72 291 80286
Gotam Purwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.41 81.78 331 72352
Gotampur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.62 79.20 830 57081
Gotan city Rajasthan India 26.66 73.74 1020 14006
Gotangam city Odisha India 19.93 83.45 1689 13107
Gotanl city Uttarakhand India 29.35 79.49 3648 31785
Gotanoguda city Odisha India 18.73 82.55 2759 14217
Gotanoputtu city Odisha India 18.65 82.62 2900 16092
Gotanoputtu city Odisha India 18.64 82.76 2867 16497
Gotanoputtu city Odisha India 18.61 82.82 3349 16580
Gotanpar city Maharashtra India 20.89 80.48 1669 13275
Gotar city Dadra and Nagar Haveli India 20.17 73.12 190 13149
Gotari city Himachal Pradesh India 30.99 77.69 7549 9532
Gotarka city Gujarat India 23.74 71.48 49 16902
Gotatola city Chhattisgarh India 20.59 81.35 1669 31140
Gotatola city Maharashtra India 20.06 80.32 1033 6361
Gotatola city Maharashtra India 20.55 80.59 1669 9243
Gotatola city Chhattisgarh India 20.87 80.77 1082 19749
Gotauli city Uttar Pradesh India 25.95 82.07 282 104915
Gotauli city Uttar Pradesh India 24.72 82.92 980 18923
Gotauli city Bihar India 24.75 85.33 347 101148

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