
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Dehla city Uttar Pradesh India 27.05 82.27 321 101303
Dehla city Uttar Pradesh India 26.23 82.14 308 126422
Dehla city Uttar Pradesh India 26.20 82.18 298 86454
Dehla city Uttar Pradesh India 27.42 81.41 383 58710
Dehla Daurhar city Uttar Pradesh India 27.46 81.31 383 51475
Dehla Merhai Singh city Uttar Pradesh India 26.49 82.25 298 81745
Dehlad city Rajasthan India 26.59 76.11 938 24905
Dehlanpur city Rajasthan India 24.48 76.68 1240 20111
Dehlas city Rajasthan India 26.74 76.28 1026 40508
Dehle city Chhattisgarh India 20.65 80.59 1253 12538
Dehlewāl city Punjab India 30.30 76.15 830 44737
Dehli city Delhi India 28.65 77.23 830 2270613
Dehli city Uttar Pradesh India 28.47 77.91 830 92152
Dehli city Uttar Pradesh India 26.59 81.22 387 78543
Dehli city Uttar Pradesh India 26.47 81.95 301 82815
Dehli city Uttar Pradesh India 26.20 82.02 301 96338
Dehli city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.48 75.31 1669 40096
Dehlia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.36 79.55 830 107676
Dehlia city Uttar Pradesh India 27.46 78.99 830 70682
Dehlia city Uttar Pradesh India 26.22 82.14 308 115598
Dehlod city Rajasthan India 26.46 76.05 974 22553
Dehlon city Punjab India 30.74 75.85 830 170221
Dehltha city Jammu and Kashmir India 32.52 75.33 1669 32755
Dehlupur city Uttar Pradesh India 26.01 81.64 318 92820
Dehlwa city Uttar Pradesh India 26.22 82.19 291 87146
Dehlān city Himachal Pradesh India 31.43 76.33 1213 69523

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