
Alphabetical listing of Places in India

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Bero city Jharkhand India 23.30 85.02 2030 40617
Bero Kalan city Jharkhand India 24.22 85.71 1092 34989
Berod city Rajasthan India 27.99 76.49 918 43645
Berodaliguda city Odisha India 19.52 83.50 1102 14396
Berog city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.21 74.43 3349 9894
Berogain city Jharkhand India 24.31 85.69 1085 37455
Beroli city Karnataka India 14.76 74.50 830 11108
Berolli city Karnataka India 14.27 74.50 6 35034
Berongaon city Uttarakhand India 29.92 79.11 5869 12783
Berori Tola city Maharashtra India 21.16 79.70 849 57630
Beroti city Himachal Pradesh India 32.74 76.08 5029 12165
Beroz city Rajasthan India 26.85 76.76 885 39485

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