
Alphabetical listing of Places in Amara

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mocogo city Amara Ethiopia 12.38 39.07 9228 7166
Mogeda city Amara Ethiopia 12.07 36.92 5869 4768
Mogi Washa city Amara Ethiopia 9.87 39.57 8389 14831
Moja and Wadera city Amara Ethiopia 9.94 39.35 8389 14736
Mojagirgira city Amara Ethiopia 9.87 39.52 7749 15092
Mojo city Amara Ethiopia 10.53 39.30 8421 13380
Mokshi city Amara Ethiopia 11.73 38.18 10908 22908
Molalē city Amara Ethiopia 10.12 39.66 10068 16976
Moleshet city Amara Ethiopia 11.45 39.08 6709 14164
Moncorer city Amara Ethiopia 10.35 37.73 8389 86465
Monkorer city Amara Ethiopia 10.35 37.73 8389 86465
Moret and Jiru city Amara Ethiopia 9.87 39.31 7549 12183
Mosazeg city Amara Ethiopia 10.52 38.37 5869 14770
Mot'a city Amara Ethiopia 11.08 37.87 8389 40666
Motta city Amara Ethiopia 11.08 37.87 8389 40666
Mot’a city Amara Ethiopia 11.08 37.87 8389 40666

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