
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Zeu city Kwanza Norte Angola -8.16 15.53 4189 2533
Zeu city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.53 30.76 5869 23458
Zeu city Zombo Uganda 2.51 30.80 5118 28581
Zeubach city Bayern Germany 49.85 11.37 1669 3943
Zeubani city Georgia 41.68 43.02 3497 4619
Zeubelried city Bayern Germany 49.69 10.09 964 20081
Zeublitz city Bayern Germany 50.14 11.20 1233 8046
Zeuchfeld city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.24 11.83 830 4754
Zeuckritz city Sachsen Germany 51.39 13.06 830 3437
Zeuden city Brandenburg Germany 52.03 12.74 830 388
Zeueit D Gianzur city Libya 31.97 24.75 193 0
Zeuendorf city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.65 12.04 249 4367
Zeughaus city Sachsen Germany 50.44 12.50 2509 3990
Zeugma city Hatay Turkey 36.08 35.98 95 65750
Zeulenreuth city Bayern Germany 49.88 11.77 1669 3899
Zeulenroda city Thuringen Germany 50.65 11.98 1669 4186
Zeulsdorf city Thuringen Germany 50.84 12.05 830 56043
Zeumeren city Gelderland Netherlands 52.18 5.60 42 35866
Zeunitz city Sachsen Germany 51.22 12.81 830 4638
Zeurich city Zurich Switzerland 47.37 8.55 1669 259876
Zeus city Virginia United States 38.40 -78.22 830
Zeust city Brandenburg Germany 52.13 14.27 177 1490
Zeuta city Guerrero Mexico 17.35 -100.99 1669 1589
Zeutermaer city Zuid-Holland Netherlands 52.06 4.50 -1689 132937
Zeutern city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 49.18 8.67 830 9383
Zeuthen city Brandenburg Germany 52.35 13.62 104 124231
Zeutsch city Thuringen Germany 50.75 11.50 830 7028
Zeutschach city Steiermark Austria 47.07 14.37 3418 1815
Zeuvebultelaand city Noord-Brabant Netherlands 51.65 4.60 3 28838
Zeuzleben city Bayern Germany 49.98 10.08 830 12787

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