
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Yebu city Mandalay Burma 22.93 96.48 3713 81985
Yebu city Mandalay Burma 20.70 96.43 1669 16445
Yebu city Shan State Burma 20.06 96.97 3349 5636
Yebu city Shan State Burma 19.87 96.55 1669 6236
Yebu city Bago Burma 18.57 96.75 242 5705
Yebu city Kayin State Burma 17.51 97.58 131 298
Yebu city Kayin State Burma 17.02 97.85 42 4321
Yebu city Kayin State Burma 16.90 98.05 62 4321
Yebu city Kayin State Burma 16.71 98.48 830 5312
Yebu city Mon State Burma 16.18 97.97 62 16480
Yebu city Taninthayi Burma 13.72 98.50 830 8046
Yebu city Taninthayi Burma 13.36 98.67 173 7748
Yebu city Taninthayi Burma 13.18 98.69 154 7748
Yebu city Taninthayi Burma 12.41 99.12 104 894
Yebu city Burma 17.61 97.00 160 9422
Yebu city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.12 24.65 1669 298
Yebu city Guangdong China 22.87 114.62 108 29502
Yebu city Jiangsu China 32.98 120.14 45 64974
Yebu city Xizang China 30.07 93.88 14268 0
Yebu city Oromiya Ethiopia 7.75 36.77 6272 33421
Yebu city Federal Capital Territory Nigeria 8.67 7.12 830 5626
Yebu North city Mon State Burma 16.19 97.95 59 19525
Yebu South city Mon State Burma 16.18 97.96 55 16848
Yebuakwa city Ghana 5.32 -1.05 242 27604
Yebucang city Qinghai China 35.03 100.22 10209 596
Yebucivi city Mexico Mexico 19.49 -99.91 9606 20957
Yebugai city Guizhou China 27.06 105.12 4242 29504
Yebugale city Kayin State Burma 16.57 98.11 52 13261
Yebugyi city Kayin State Burma 17.04 97.82 72 4321
Yebugyi city Kayin State Burma 16.55 98.11 118 13261
Yebukarenzu Atet city Bago Burma 18.42 96.83 1893 5960
Yebukarenzu Auk city Bago Burma 18.43 96.82 1893 5960
Yebulda city Orenburgskaya Oblast' Russia 50.93 54.98 830 415
Yebumyaung city Bago Burma 19.36 96.38 364 8164
Yebuqiao city Zhejiang China 30.18 120.07 65 304166
Yeburi Daluo city Sichuan China 27.32 102.87 5029 9207
Yebuwa city Ayeyawady Burma 16.46 95.84 19 30499
Yebuwan city Gansu China 35.65 102.90 7549 29074

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