
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Yawe city Mandalay Burma 21.34 96.01 370 15731
Yawe city Borno Nigeria 10.60 12.22 2043 46378
Yawe city Benue Nigeria 7.40 9.03 898 84154
Yawe city Benue Nigeria 7.29 8.76 830 8344
Yawe city Quezon Philippines 13.91 121.86 62 27215
Yawe city Southern Sierra Leone 8.09 -11.60 830 4074
Yawe city Eastern Sierra Leone 7.82 -10.95 830 10208
Yawe city Southern Sierra Leone 7.41 -11.71 282 9445
Yaweda city Papua Indonesia -4.08 136.30 5095 3375
Yawei city Guangdong China 22.26 113.01 272 52503
Yawei city Hainan China 19.29 109.26 830 8195
Yawei city Guangxi China 24.47 106.89 2880 11008
Yawei city Guangxi China 23.96 108.40 1669 20343
Yawei city Guangxi China 24.22 109.74 206 8084
Yawei city Yunnan China 23.94 101.64 2509 5215
Yawei city Southern Sierra Leone 7.41 -11.71 282 9445
Yawei city Southern Sierra Leone 7.48 -11.90 226 6099
Yawei city Eastern Sierra Leone 7.89 -11.33 830 7451
Yaweimaocun city Shaanxi China 38.37 110.60 3349 6024
Yawel city Quezon Philippines 13.91 121.86 62 27215
Yawela city Central Zambia -12.75 30.58 4468 745
Yawele city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 1.97 22.40 1669 1043
Yawema city Southern Sierra Leone 8.35 -11.80 259 3125
Yawema city Southern Sierra Leone 7.97 -12.41 209 1546
Yawembo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.05 23.81 1669 2682
Yawembo-Moke city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.08 23.78 1669 2682
Yawen city Xizang China 29.24 89.23 14268 1788
Yawen city Guangxi China 23.73 108.52 1669 14717
Yawenal city Eastern Highlands Papua New Guinea -7.02 145.65 4586 3071
Yawenda city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.74 24.51 1669 5575
Yawenda city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.17 23.91 1669 2682
Yawenlou city Zhejiang China 29.26 119.97 150 85141
Yaweta city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 2.01 21.93 1669 1043
Yaweta city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -0.60 22.92 1669 1043
Yawete city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -0.62 24.43 1669 298
Yawez city Badakhshan Afghanistan 37.53 70.18 2509 5700

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