
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Yausa city Arequipa Peru -15.60 -71.48 14291 431
Yausamo city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -0.13 23.77 1669 2682
Yausheva city Bashkortostan Russia 55.72 58.37 830 1086
Yaushevo city Chuvashiya Russia 56.09 47.10 830 6064
Yaushevo city Bashkortostan Russia 53.04 55.37 830 744
Yaushi city Chuvashiya Russia 56.09 47.10 830 6064
Yausi city Taraba Nigeria 7.33 10.42 830 4395
Yauso city Ghana 5.82 -2.71 830 4768

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