
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Yaoseki city Equateur Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.67 22.80 1669 1192
Yaoseko city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.59 24.94 1669 2682
Yaosengbu city Hunan China 29.24 113.12 118 25777
Yaosenge city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.51 24.70 1669 2616
Yaosenge-Yase city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.66 24.51 1669 2682
Yaosenong city Xizang China 32.19 97.44 14268 596
Yaosero city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 0.97 23.65 1669 309

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