
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Wauwa city Southern Sri Lanka 5.93 80.60 26 63336
Wauwa city Southern Sri Lanka 6.12 80.69 830 60281
Wauwa city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.47 27.33 2509 997
Wauwatosa city Wisconsin United States 43.05 -88.01 830
Wauwerdries city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.90 4.85 206 12587
Wauweringen city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.74 4.29 173 60183
Wauwil city Luzern Switzerland 47.18 8.02 1669 18476
Wauwinet city Massachusetts United States 41.33 -70.00 9
Wauwoga city Morobe Papua New Guinea -7.31 146.07 6069 1319
Wauwu city Zambezi Namibia -17.82 23.35 3349 286

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