
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Vulu city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.51 14.93 1938 7897
Vulu city Amara Ethiopia 9.82 38.98 7057 15679
Vulu city Sor-Trondelag Norway 63.42 10.70 830 3827
Vulu city Western Bahr el Ghazal South Sudan 9.32 24.60 1971 0
Vulueni city Makueni Kenya -1.98 37.41 4189 27441
Vululu city Uige Angola -6.03 15.02 3349 2235
Vuluna city Fiji -17.18 -178.97 3 642
Vulusvali Saidkaram city Paktiya Afghanistan 33.69 69.37 8389 9515
Vulusvali-Kulangar city Logar Afghanistan 34.10 69.06 6089 6592
Vulusvali-Zorkot city Khost Afghanistan 33.54 69.73 6128 12479
Vulusvaliyi-Bagram city Parwan Afghanistan 34.95 69.23 5029 32836

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