
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Uae city Guinea-Bissau 12.27 -14.70 62 6039
Uaech'on city Hamnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 40.50 128.84 32 9203
Uaech’on city Hamnam Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 40.50 128.84 32 9203
Uaedaeil-li city Kangwon Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.69 127.51 2509 10654
Uaedokkogae city Gyeongbuk Korea, Republic of (South) 36.95 128.55 1230 15073
Uaeha-ri city Korea, Republic of (South) 34.45 127.52 830 3916
Uaela city Zambezia Mozambique -16.61 37.29 830 4172
Uaela city Maputo Mozambique -25.03 32.27 206 596
Uaenae-ri city Korea, Republic of (South) 34.45 127.52 830 3916
Uaene city Inhambane Mozambique -22.42 34.09 396 298
Uaene city Inhambane Mozambique -21.87 33.39 383 149
Uaene city Inhambane Mozambique -21.83 34.32 830 596
Uaene city Inhambane Mozambique -21.58 34.56 406 777
Uaene city Manica Mozambique -21.32 33.41 830 745
Uaene city Manica Mozambique -20.71 33.73 830 533
Uaene city Sofala Mozambique -20.64 34.01 265 1639
Uaene city Sofala Mozambique -20.12 34.17 367 2980
Uaene city Sofala Mozambique -20.07 33.48 830 1385
Uaerolal city Sindh Pakistan 24.37 67.78 3 5960
Uaesonbawi city Kangwon Korea, Dem. Peoples Rep. of (North) 38.75 127.52 1669 13558

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