
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Totladih city Chhattisgarh India 22.05 82.93 830 50649
Totlagondanakoppa city Karnataka India 14.44 75.11 1840 24282
Totlahalli city Karnataka India 13.35 77.02 2588 58295
Totlala city Puebla Mexico 18.33 -97.00 5869 9806
Totlalli city Veracruz Mexico 18.50 -95.14 2657 20328
Totlamata city Karnataka India 14.44 75.16 1811 23856
Totland city Nord-Trondelag Norway 64.27 13.72 2509 0
Totland city Sogn og Fjordane Norway 61.93 5.38 3 600
Totland city Hordaland Norway 60.63 5.26 830 2167
Totland city Hordaland Norway 60.32 5.45 944 30992
Totland city Isle of Wight United Kingdom 50.67 -1.53 0 3171
Totland city Manicaland Zimbabwe -18.69 32.69 5029 7003
Totlandsvik city Rogaland Norway 59.27 6.33 830 124
Totlandsvika city Rogaland Norway 59.27 6.33 830 124
Totlapādu city Odisha India 18.53 83.06 1873 22063
Totlea city Galati Romania 46.07 27.32 830 9917
Totleben city Pleven Bulgaria 43.43 24.92 285 3881
Totlebenskiy city Saratovskaya Oblast' Russia 51.93 48.25 127 298
Totley city Derbyshire United Kingdom 53.30 -1.53 830 76430
Totling city Xizang China 31.48 79.80 12588 0
Totling-gompa city Xizang China 31.48 79.80 12588 0
Totlubande city Karnataka India 13.40 77.39 2755 42762
Totlūr city Karnataka India 16.70 77.34 1669 21605

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