
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Toog city Iloilo Philippines 10.68 122.17 830 43318
Toog city Bohol Philippines 9.72 124.08 915 18679
Toog city Bohol Philippines 9.69 124.13 1669 22616
Toog Wajaale city Woqooyi Galbeed Somalia 9.60 43.34 5029 2379
Toogae city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.38 127.88 830 47094
Toogah city Khuzestan Iran 32.10 49.10 1243 4673
Toogal city New South Wales Australia -35.07 147.22 830 298
Tooghan Jadid city Kordestan Iran 35.26 47.95 6000 4023
Toogipalu city Valgamaa Estonia 57.76 26.10 232 13375
Toogong city New South Wales Australia -33.33 148.63 1204 298
Toogoolawah city Queensland Australia -27.09 152.38 830 0
Toogoom city Queensland Australia -25.26 152.69 3 158
Toogoong city New South Wales Australia -33.33 148.63 1204 298

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