
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tombe city Kwanza Norte Angola -9.18 15.02 3349 2533
Tombe city Bengo Angola -8.45 14.10 1089 0
Tombe city Malanje Angola -8.27 17.37 2509 1639
Tombe city Zaire Angola -6.45 14.03 1233 894
Tombe city Zaire Angola -6.41 12.46 13 629
Tombe city Zaire Angola -6.69 14.12 1984 894
Tombe city Kwanza Sul Angola -9.95 15.58 4189 1937
Tombe city Zaire Angola -6.88 12.78 42 622
Tombe city Soloman Islands -8.50 157.73 45 1193
Tombe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.16 25.65 2732 1788
Tombe city Kongo Central Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -5.89 12.60 104 2384
Tombe city Central African Republic 6.08 19.58 1692 744
Tombe city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -8.75 121.57 1791 8796
Tombe city Sulawesi Barat Indonesia -3.36 119.35 830 28237
Tombe city Grand Cape Mount Liberia 6.86 -11.26 830 926
Tombe city Mali 12.72 -10.92 1669 1593
Tombe city South Sudan 5.81 31.69 1669 781
Tombe city Southern Sierra Leone 7.81 -12.70 26 3047
Tombe city Southern Sierra Leone 7.60 -12.91 0 1987
Tombe Got city Guyane French Guiana 4.93 -52.51 42 0
Tombe Minienze city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.12 25.63 2670 1788
Tombe Thieffry city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -4.59 29.12 2536 2080
Tombe Tombe city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -9.16 28.31 3349 999
Tombe-Bia city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -11.39 26.68 4202 1192
Tombe-Kasamba city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -7.16 25.65 2732 1788
Tombeagh city Carlow Ireland 52.87 -6.62 403 1971
Tombeau Cheval city Haiti 18.40 -73.90 2562 12712
Tombeaux city Toamasina Madagascar -17.93 49.45 0 2971
Tombeboeuf city Aquitaine France 44.50 0.45 262 1440
Tombebœuf city Aquitaine France 44.50 0.45 262 1440
Tombeek city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.75 4.57 262 50754
Tombeh Chah city Fars Iran 27.71 53.67 1988 1341
Tombekoğlu city Karabuk Turkey 40.94 32.78 4189 2086
Tombel city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 4.75 9.67 1719 29226
Tombel city Sud-Ouest Cameroon 5.16 9.23 5059 1935
Tombel city Khuzestan Iran 32.30 49.18 1669 4470
Tombelle city Wallonie Belgium 50.72 3.64 262 27347
Tombena city Eastern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.37 145.95 5029 4146
Tombendaka city Eastern Highlands Papua New Guinea -6.33 146.06 4327 3129
Tomber city Nusa Tenggara Barat Indonesia -8.68 116.19 830 159594
Tombera city Sulawesi Tengah Indonesia -0.52 120.05 0 4961
Tomberg city Steiermark Austria 46.87 15.25 1217 6572
Tomberg city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.83 4.15 265 32444
Tombergen city Vlaanderen Belgium 50.83 4.15 265 32444
Tomberlin city Arkansas United States 34.52 -91.87 203
Tombero city Toliara Madagascar -24.85 46.89 830 3172
Tombero city Michoacan de Ocampo Mexico 19.80 -101.79 6709 53183
Tombero Dos city Michoacan de Ocampo Mexico 19.80 -101.79 6709 53183
Tombet city Sanma Vanuatu -15.37 166.88 1013 915
Tombeto city Veliko Tarnovo Bulgaria 42.95 26.07 1669 1652
Tombets city Hokkaido Japan 45.13 142.39 3 671
Tombetsu city Hokkaido Japan 45.13 142.39 3 671
Tombeul Ma city Dakar Senegal 14.75 -17.48 104 659196

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