
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Tetha city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.19 77.16 12762 217
Tethaliang city Arunachal Pradesh India 28.18 96.12 5029 211
Tethi city Ba Fiji -16.80 177.52 3 780
Tethiliguda city Odisha India 19.00 82.81 2877 9840
Tethiliguda city Odisha India 18.81 82.76 2660 41027
Tethiliguda city Odisha India 18.74 82.96 4189 25174
Tethisho city Sagaing Burma 23.66 95.74 1669 8023
Tethulia city Rajshahi Bangladesh 24.94 88.98 45 131655
Tethun city Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia -9.94 124.00 830 6559

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