
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Shits'k'vara city Apkhazeti Georgia 43.06 40.90 354 3963
Shitsan city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.68 75.16 5357 57395
Shitsiki city Vitebskaya Oblast' Belarus 55.34 28.10 830 1734
Shitsli city Odes'ka Oblast' Ukraine 46.63 30.95 118 13363
Shitsu city Yamagata Japan 38.49 140.00 2509 1863
Shitsugawa city Kyoto Japan 34.89 135.83 328 241339
Shitsugen city Gyeongnam Korea, Republic of (South) 35.30 128.52 295 24370
Shitsukawa city Kyoto Japan 34.89 135.83 328 241339
Shitsuki city Hyogo Japan 34.43 134.90 3 17309
Shitsukoku city Daegu Korea, Republic of (South) 35.92 128.55 400 350141
Shitsuta city Okinawa Japan 26.57 127.98 830 26315
Shitsyuan city Shaanxi China 33.04 108.24 1243 12666
Shitsyuan' city Sichuan China 31.83 104.45 2936 20751
Shitsyuan’ city Sichuan China 31.83 104.45 2936 20751
Shitszuyshan' city Ningxia China 39.23 106.77 3645 9536
Shitszuyshan’ city Ningxia China 39.23 106.77 3645 9536
Shitszyabochzhen city Shaanxi China 34.20 110.30 3349 31799
Shitszyachzhuan city Hebei China 38.04 114.48 259 204824
Shits’k’vara city Apkhazeti Georgia 43.06 40.90 354 3963

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