
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Rumla city Khuzestan Iran 30.72 49.38 36 151
Rumla Ngork city Unity South Sudan 9.40 28.77 1253 3225
Rumlal city East Sepik Papua New Guinea -3.32 143.55 830 328
Rumlange city Clervaux Luxembourg 50.08 5.98 1669 4347
Rumlar city Lakes South Sudan 6.97 29.57 1669 1788
Rumleborg city Jonkoping Sweden 57.25 14.30 830 1192
Rumlek city Warrap South Sudan 8.60 27.96 1669 6258
Rumleshof city Bayern Germany 49.19 11.29 1669 3935
Rumley city Arkansas United States 35.79 -92.51 1023
Rumley city Ohio United States 40.41 -84.24 944
Rumley city Texas United States 31.17 -98.07 997
Rumli city Islamabad Pakistan 33.77 73.14 2509 127466
Rumli Dara city Jammu and Kashmir India 33.12 74.22 2509 7493
Rumlu city Adana Turkey 37.99 36.09 4189 5513
Rumlu city Adana Turkey 38.13 36.14 5029 5513

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