UpAlphabetical listing of Places in World
Name | What | Region | Country | Lat | Long | Elev ft. | Pop est |
Rednaidon | city | Jammu and Kashmir | India | 34.69 | 74.46 | 9228 | 32335 |
Rednal | city | Shropshire | United Kingdom | 52.85 | -2.93 | 252 | 8293 |
Rednall | city | Shropshire | United Kingdom | 52.85 | -2.93 | 252 | 8293 |
Rednek | city | Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen | Hungary | 48.27 | 21.37 | 830 | 2741 |
Rednek | city | | Serbia | 45.12 | 19.79 | 879 | 3874 |
Rednekdulo | city | Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen | Hungary | 48.27 | 21.37 | 830 | 2741 |
Rednice | city | Karlovarsky Kraj | Czech Republic | 50.24 | 13.16 | 2509 | 2384 |
Rednitzhembach | city | Bayern | Germany | 49.30 | 11.08 | 1089 | 70517 |
Rednok | city | | Serbia | 45.12 | 19.79 | 879 | 3874 |
Rednoye | city | Voronezhskaya Oblast' | Russia | 51.80 | 39.20 | 830 | 21174 |
Rednya | city | Smolenskaya Oblast' | Russia | 55.09 | 32.12 | 830 | 596 |
Rednya | city | Smolenskaya Oblast' | Russia | 55.09 | 32.12 | 830 | 596 |
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