
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Onifa city Oyo Nigeria 7.74 3.86 853 17433
Onifade city Nigeria 7.50 3.70 830 9238
Onifai city Sardegna Italy 40.40 9.65 216 3609
Oniferi city Sardegna Italy 40.27 9.17 1909 2751
Onifia city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) 3.34 30.85 4189 14927
Onifuconiculo city Mozambique -14.88 40.73 0 893
Onifufu city Nigeria 8.17 4.57 1669 7375
Onifufu city Nigeria 7.80 4.00 997 31537
Onifukuromachi city Aomori Japan 40.70 140.16 255 880

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