
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Mwebale city Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -3.83 17.93 1095 4939
Mwebe city Katanga Congo (Dem. Republic of The)-(Zaire) -8.47 26.70 1902 2188
Mwebeya city Rutana Burundi -3.84 30.21 4304 13637
Mwebin city Ayeyawady Burma 17.04 95.42 36 18625
Mwebo city Southern Zambia -16.37 26.70 3776 2020
Mwebongan city Mandalay Burma 22.33 96.06 249 19876
Mwebongaung city Shan State Burma 20.75 96.77 4189 4354
Mwebwegon city Bago Burma 17.13 96.68 9 25852
Mwebyin city Shan State Burma 20.29 96.57 3349 5299
Mwebyin Kyaungwa city Shan State Burma 20.29 96.57 3349 5299
Mwebyin Kyaungywa city Shan State Burma 20.29 96.57 3349 5299
Mwebyin Taung city Shan State Burma 20.27 96.58 3349 4914

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