
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Moxa city Thuringen Germany 50.64 11.63 1669 6936
Moxa city Northern Cape South Africa -27.35 20.70 2821 0
Moxahala city Ohio United States 39.66 -82.14 898
Moxahala Park city Ohio United States 39.88 -82.05 830
Moxala city Veracruz Mexico 18.67 -96.95 4593 15915
Moxamed Cumar city Shabeellaha Hoose Somalia 1.90 44.74 232 12491
Moxamed Macalim city Shabeellaha Hoose Somalia 2.44 44.83 269 2980
Moxamed Mataan city Shabeellaha Hoose Somalia 1.67 44.63 219 33102
Moxamed Nurow city Shabeellaha Hoose Somalia 1.78 44.77 226 58370
Moxau city Baden-Wurttemberg Germany 49.04 8.31 341 123117
Moxboda city Uppsala Sweden 60.12 18.38 68 448
Moxe city Lambayeque Peru -6.68 -79.90 19 20215
Moxee City city Washington United States 46.55 -120.38 1197
Moxelá city Izabal Guatemala 15.77 -89.37 830 2385
Moxestan city Khuzestan Iran 30.29 48.39 32 65655
Moxey Town city Mangrove Cay Bahamas, The 24.30 -77.68 3 55
Moxham city Kansas United States 37.11 -97.05 1148
Moxham city Pennsylvania United States 40.29 -78.91 1669
Moxhe city Wallonie Belgium 50.63 5.09 410 12062
Moxheron city Wallonie Belgium 50.63 5.08 830 11987
Moxi city Sichuan China 29.40 103.69 1669 42417
Moxi city Jiangxi China 27.39 115.10 55 17731
Moxi city Jiangxi China 27.69 114.06 396 38462
Moxi city Hunan China 27.22 109.23 2549 9626
Moxi city Hunan China 27.18 109.05 2093 9958
Moxia city Jiangxi China 26.85 115.16 187 16384
Moxia city Guangxi China 22.93 107.11 1174 11893
Moxia city Sichuan China 31.33 107.71 2509 27123
Moxian city Guangxi China 24.55 106.74 3349 10884
Moxiang city Guizhou China 25.77 106.10 4189 16539
Moxiang city Guizhou China 25.60 106.98 3359 8420
Moxiangjing city Yunnan China 24.44 103.32 6709 19961
Moxiangtai city Guizhou China 27.24 105.42 5029 28808
Moxiangtan city Sichuan China 30.82 106.04 1056 348889
Moxiapa city Yunnan China 27.54 99.55 6709 5242
Moxiaqu city Hubei China 30.97 111.61 830 20083
Moxico city Moxico Angola -13.27 21.25 4189 298
Moxico city Moxico Angola -11.85 20.03 4189 298
Moxico Segundo city Moxico Angola -11.85 20.03 4189 298
Moxico Velho city Moxico Angola -11.85 20.03 4189 298
Moxicun city Sichuan China 30.36 99.28 11154 596
Moxie city Yunnan China 21.33 101.68 3349 3720
Moxie city Guizhou China 26.03 106.41 4222 15271
Moxijiang city Hunan China 27.86 110.80 2014 78962
Moxika city Xizang China 32.47 97.84 12624 596
Moxikou city Sichuan China 30.00 102.74 3572 6806
Moxillón city Veracruz Mexico 19.92 -96.94 1669 10995
Moximian city Sichuan China 29.22 102.17 5869 2420
Moxin city Zhejiang China 30.28 122.18 252 147222
Moxin city Guangxi China 25.46 107.06 3723 3740
Moxindî city Tunceli Turkey 38.96 39.81 4452 894
Moxing city Jiangxi China 28.46 114.76 830 14155
Moxing city Jiangxi China 25.83 114.73 377 43657
Moxingli city Jiangxi China 27.92 114.93 262 49174
Moxingping city Jiangxi China 26.00 114.86 830 120166
Moxintou city Sichuan China 28.96 103.83 4304 18067
Moxito city Kuando Kubango Angola -14.45 17.23 5029 149
Moxiyu city Hunan China 28.93 111.43 334 79655
Moxley city Georgia United States 32.92 -82.39 347
Moxley city Kentucky United States 38.56 -85.01 830
Moxley city North Carolina United States 36.33 -81.09 1669
Moxley city Maryland United States 39.59 -76.18 347
Moxley Acres city Maryland United States 39.56 -76.26 374
Moxley Landing city Kentucky United States 37.19 -88.31 351
Moxo city Zambezia Mozambique -15.33 37.19 3349 2909
Moxoene city Van Turkey 38.12 42.80 5442 2759
Moxonlac city Huehuetenango Guatemala 16.04 -91.19 2024 6873
Moxos city Van Turkey 38.12 42.80 5442 2759
Moxoto city Pernambuco Brazil -9.25 -38.17 830 596
Moxoto city Pernambuco Brazil -8.72 -37.52 1669 596
Moxotó city Pernambuco Brazil -9.32 -38.23 830 12666
Moxoş city Erzurum Turkey 40.88 42.08 5869 1788
Moxrapert city Van Turkey 38.34 42.92 5380 2335
Moxtaran city Khorasan-e Jonubi Iran 32.47 59.38 5029 596
Moxtejé city Mexico Mexico 19.57 -99.63 8690 19686
Moxthe city Hidalgo Mexico 20.70 -99.03 7549 2831
Moxtxena city Volyns'ka Oblast' Ukraine 51.26 24.61 830 6675
Moxu city Jiangsu China 33.64 118.49 45 40109
Moxucun city Anhui China 33.24 117.78 55 59012
Moxue city Sichuan China 31.77 98.57 14268 596
Moxuji city Yunnan China 25.16 99.79 7119 6963
Moxupip city Yucatan Mexico 21.04 -89.33 22 8274

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