
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Moech'i-gol city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.96 127.68 318 20072
Moeche city Galicia Spain 43.55 -8.02 167 2982
Moeche city Galicia Spain 43.55 -7.98 830 2345
Moeche city Galicia Spain 43.55 -7.95 830 1729
Moechigol city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.96 127.68 318 20072
Moechiza city Narino Colombia 1.12 -77.42 8389 15094
Moechling city Karnten Austria 46.59 14.52 1738 4210
Moech’i-gol city Gangwon Korea, Republic of (South) 37.96 127.68 318 20072
Moeciu de Jos city Brasov Romania 45.48 25.32 3349 6283
Moeciu de Sus city Brasov Romania 45.43 25.33 4189 4748
Moeciul-de Jos city Brasov Romania 45.48 25.32 3349 6283
Moeciul-de Sus city Brasov Romania 45.43 25.33 4189 4748
Moeckelby city Aland Finland 60.15 19.94 59 7175
Moeckerling city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 51.30 11.83 830 1193
Moeckern city Brandenburg Germany 53.11 12.81 275 2533
Moeckern city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 52.75 11.77 111 2384
Moeckern city Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 52.14 11.95 200 2676
Moeckern city Sachsen Germany 51.37 12.35 364 175768
Moeckern city Thuringen Germany 50.85 11.77 1122 6109
Moeckers city Thuringen Germany 50.70 10.40 1669 22640
Moecking city Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany 51.31 7.45 1669 56547
Moeckow city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 53.99 13.59 127 2099
Moeckow Berg city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 54.00 13.59 150 2099
Moeckow-Berg city Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany 54.00 13.59 150 2099
Moeckwitz city Sachsen Germany 51.14 13.06 830 19631

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