
Alphabetical listing of Places in World

Name What Region Country Lat Long Elev ft. Pop est
Meiu city Milne Bay Papua New Guinea -9.98 149.63 2736 1296
Meiuela city Nampula Mozambique -15.04 39.53 1007 4631
Meiuhpw city Federated States of Micronesia United States 6.95 158.26 344
Meiui city East Sepik Papua New Guinea -4.07 143.03 9 894
Meiuia city Milne Bay Papua New Guinea -9.42 150.73 32 783
Meiungs city Palau 7.35 134.45 3 8778
Meiuste city Saaremaa Estonia 58.59 22.60 9 318

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